Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Kibbutz, Kineret and Kabbalah (and more!)

Today, we met soldiers from the IDF. We met some soldiers who guard the border between Israel, Lebanon, and Syria. We also met and had dinner with soldiers from a different unit and talked with them to learn what they do. I felt honored that I was able to meet the men and women who guard and keep Israel safe. We also took a Jeep ride through the Golan Heights.
In Tzfat, we learned about Kabbalah. We learned about rabbis important in the development of Jewish laws as well as Jewish mysticism: Rabbi Yossef Karo (who created the Shulchan Aruch) and  Rabbi Isaac Luria (who developed Kabbalah).
I'm looking forward to learn more that Israel has to teach.
--Josh Weinstein

Today we went to Tzfat which is one of the holiest cities known for Kabbalah and its old and beautiful synagogues. After visiting many of the ancient synagogues, we had free time to shop and eat lunch. It was so much fun spending time with both my school friends and my new Saligman friends.
Later, we met young men and women of the IDF and got to spend time with them. We ate dinner with soldiers on the shores of the Kinneret. They told me how they feel when fighting for their country, and what their best and worst memories were from the army. I learned a lot from them. The atmosphere was beautiful as we ate on the water with all of our friends.
Today was a great day, I LOVE Israel!          --Gabriella Rose

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